Update: Applications are open. Last date to apply 31st March 2025. Apply Now!
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover. Mark Twain
TII offers an innovative learning platform where you will learn to be an entrepreneur by practicing it, interacting with experienced entrepreneurs, learning from available expertise, conversations with peers set on the same path and relevant guidance from mentors.
TII will hone your skills, expand your thinking and strengthen your resolve to be an entrepreneur and lead India towards a better tomorrow.
The question is, are you ready to be one?
Even as the Indian economy has grown to be the seventh-largest in the world measured by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity, a vast majority of Indians continue to experience an extremely low standard of living.
On the Human Development Index, India is ranked 131 among 188 nations
The richest 10% of Indians have 76.3% of the wealth. At the other end of the pyramid, the poorer half jostles for 4.1% of the nation' wealth.
A Yale University, US, report has ranked India 141 among 180 countries worldwide in Environmental Performance Index (EPI).
50 lakh graduates who pass out of colleges every year looking for jobs. But the reality is employment in the organised sector accounts for just 17.9% of the workforce.
Almost 500 jobs are being lost every day and 69% of the jobs are threatened by automation in the organised sector.
Only entrepreneurship has the power to provide meaningful, sustainable and systemic solutions to challenges of this scale.
'There's lots of bad reasons to start a company. But there's only one good, legitimate reason, and I think you know what it is: it's to change the world.' Phil Libin (CEO,Evernote)
At TII, we believe in this quote.
Our aim is to mentor and build responsible entrepreneurs and make them capable of building enterprises that focussed on triple bottom-line - people, planet, and profit.
Socially Progressive
Fiscally Sound
TII will create a community of leaders who will shape tomorrow's India.
And this is possible only through a meaningful understanding of the challenges facing India today and developing systemic solutions to those challenges that will have impact on a large scale.
Responsible enterprises can benefit society in four ways:
Generate employment
Create wealth
Achieve social equality
Provide environmental sustainability
Transforming India Initiative acts as a platform that connects the passion and competencies of graduates to addressing the most pressing challenges faced by the country today.
And it will establish triple-bottom line businesses as practical, sustainable and inevitable.
This will be done through a three step process
Existing enterprises with "good" models to scale up and sustain
Entreprenuers who have the necessary skills and mindsets to address social, economic and environmental challenges
Enterprises that will impact the lives of a significant number of people and serve as model enterprises